Participando e educando para preservar a Floresta Amazônica

Who we are

ASFLORA is a not-for-profit civil organization dedicated to technical, scientific and social activities, created on December 20th, 2000. ASFLORA set out with a mission to educate, preserve the environment, to reforestation projects and the exchange of information based on the principle of sustainable development of the Amazon region in all of its dimensions: environmental, cultural, social and economic.


Preservation of fauna, flora with specail attention to tropical rainforests and the environment of the Amazon region;
Reforestation of degraded areas and the development of sustainable timber industrial activities based on research and technical and scientific experiments;
Exchange of technical and scientific information with regard to forests, environmental preservation, reforestation and livelihood of Amazonian peoples;
Socio-economic development of the Amazon region and the improvement of life quality levels achieved through social work. 


Scientific research dedicated to the study of Amazon forest and ecosystems with special interest on reforestation, forest management, forest and environmental preservation and industrialization of forest products;
Socio-economic studies aiming at the development and improvement of livelihood in the region;
Exchange and dissemination of technical and scientific information in partnership with other intitutions, public or private, national and international and society as a whole;
Reforestation, forest management and environmental preservation projects for the betterment of Amazonian peoples lives;
Partnerships with institutions with similar interests;
Provision of environmental consultancy;
Organization of seminars, workshops and conferences;
Promotion of professionals and students exchange via scholarship concessions, technical and financial colaboration and other donations;
Development of social work activities;
Development of all necessary activities for the achievement of the Institute social goals.


Support to events and partnership with other institutions;
Publication of different pieces of information through print, electronic media;
Participation in meetings;
Promotion of environmental problems visibility within society;
Survey of needs among schools located nearby EIDAI do Brasil Madeiras S.A. areas.

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